Tax litigation
We take an interest in solving issues concerning tax litigation
The Supreme Administrative Court, however, only takes up cases that have an interest in precedent and, exceptionally, cases that were clearly wrongly judged in the lower instances. Therefore, the Court of Appeal is usually the last instance in tax cases. A judgment that is not appealed in time becomes final. This means that it cannot subsequently be appealed or changed by the Tax Agency. There are exceptions (elevation), but you cannot count on being allowed to apply that except in very special cases.
With these circumstances in mind, it is essential that the strongest arguments are submitted already to the administrative court.
We have experience in tax processes and are happy to help!
Contact us today for help!

We have contacts worldwide. Skattepunkten AB is a member of ETL European Tax and Law.
This membership allow us to benefit from the expertise of tax experts in 48 countries.
We also work closely with accountants, business lawyers and insurance brokers.